Per Aerem, Per Mare, Per Terram

  • Commissions

    It all begins with an idea, a photograph or a memory. What better way to hold onto that than commission your own piece of artwork.

    My commissions can be seen at a number of military establishments including RNAS Yeovilton, 40 & 42 Commando RM and 814 NAS, HMS Severn, HMS Tamar as well as a number of private collectors.

    What would you like drawn ?

  • Prints

    With a growing portfolio and feeling constantly inspired to draw; prints are a great way to share my artwork.

    They have travelled the world and can be seen as far as Dubai, the USA, Australia and incredibly Antarctica.

    All prints are available at A3 and make a great memento or perfect gizzit for friends and family.

    Visit the link to order my latest work, giving life back to old maps.

  • About Me

    Artwork has always been a passion of mine. Following a mini TIA just over 2 and a half years ago, it became my rehab when I had to learn to write again.

    I work for a military charity and as such I am spoilt for choice on what to draw.

    Read ‘My Story’ to hear more about how ‘Indigo Zulu Ink’ was born.